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Auto Care Services 

Here are some of our most requested services.

Oil & Filter Change

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Tire Services

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Brake Service

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Engine Tune up

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Major vehicle repairs

Maintenance is a great way to help prevent more expensive repairs. But sometimes larger repairs just can't be avoided. If you need a component repaired or replaced we can do it all including, but not limited to, the following:

Engine Repairs 

Fuel System Repairs

Exhaust Repair & Replacement

Axel, CV joint & Driveshaft repair

Belt & Hose Replacement

Brake Repair & Replacement 

Cooling System Repair

Climate Control System Repairs 

Electrical Systems & Electronics Repairs

Four Wheel Drive Systems 

Starters, Alternators & Battery Repair & Replacement

Steering & Suspension Repairs 

Automatic Transmission Repair

Manual Transmission & Clutch Repairs

Differential Repair


The NAPA Auto Pro program is an exclusive partnership program that chooses top-performing independent automotive service centers to join its network. By partnering with NAPA, AUTOPRO shops are able to access high-quality NAPA parts and warranties, and customers with NAPA warranties can have their issues resolved at any NAPA shop in Canada at no cost. 

To be selected as a NAPA AUTOPRO partner, a service center must demonstrate exceptional customer service and maintain strict standards. While NAPA AUTOPRO partners enjoy the benefits of being part of a well-respected franchise, they retain the autonomy and independence of a small business.
Learn more about the benefits of NAPA

Our mission

There are two people you need to trust in your life, your doctor and your mechanic. 4My Auto was built on that trust. Too often we see dealers charging high prices or independent mechanics finding problems so that they can charge more. 

At 4My Auto our philosophy is built on long-term relationships with our customers. Our goal is to maintain your vehicle throughout its life so that we can avoid costly repairs or potentially see them coming. We aren't looking to make a quick profit instead we want to maintain your vehicle long-term and be your go-to repair shop for everything related to your vehicle.  

Customer reviews 

Hours of operation


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